Rockhampton And District
Amateur Radio Club
Jamboree On The Air
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Jota 09
| Jota 04 | Jota 03
JOTA 2008
JOTA 2004
Leigh VK4YLW and John VK4AJS


Seeone Park
A HF and VHF station was set up at Seeone Park Scout Reserve just outside
Rockhampton. A large number of all sizes of scouts attended from Joeys to Venturers. Most of the hut was taken over by computers on the JOTI thing. However a little handheld on IRLP connected to Wellington and Darwin soon demonstrated that with amateur radio, contact can be made around the world without the big PC being present. DX was worked on HF . Four continents were worked as well as many local
contacts in Australia. Scouts were too busy and too hot to try fox hunting this year.




Jim VK4HJD and Mike VK4LMB
Clive VK4ACC
Clive VK4ACC, John VK4AJS
Leigh VK4YLD

RADAR CLUB members assisting at Seeone Park location were Clive VK4ACC, Mike VK4LMB, Jim VK4HJD, John VK4AJS, Leigh VK4YLW.

Shannon Park JOTA Summary
A HF and VHF station was set up for JOTA at Shannon Park in Rockhampton. Don VK4BY, John VK4KDN, and Mike VK4LMB helped set up a permanent HF aerial on Saturday morning. John VK4KDN and Don VK4BY supervised the JOTA radio activity that started at 4pm, and continued until after 7pm. Most activity was on 40 metres with JOTA stations worked in Toowoomba, VK1, VK2, and Rotorua in ZL. There was local activity on 2m with stations in Rockhampton and Gladstone. The Girl Guides and Brownies all had a chance to talk, and all had a good time. The group presented thank you certificates to all of the amateur participants.

Don VK4BY transmitted the official JOTA broadcast at the nominated hour. It was heard by the Seeone Park group."


JOTA 2003
Learning about Direction Finding (Fox Hunting) with Ron VK4BRG
Communicating via the Internet
Talking to other JOTA Stations on
HF Radio with Lyle VK4ALD